Apps to age photos: The 5 best!

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Apps for aging photos are becoming increasingly popular among smartphone users. This is because they allow you to see what you will look like in the future and even what your grandparents or great-grandparents would be like if they were alive today.

With the help of advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, these apps transform your photos into realistic images of an older person. If you are curious to know what it will look like in the future or simply want to have fun with your friends, these apps are a great option and in this article, we will introduce you to the 5 best apps for aging photos.


FaceApp is probably the most popular app for aging photos. That's because it has a wide range of features that allow you to age your photos and see how they will look in the future.

Additionally, it also offers features to change your appearance like changing hair color, adding makeup, changing facial expression, and more. FaceApp is easy to use and can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play.


Oldify is another popular app for aging photos. It uses facial recognition technology to create a realistic image of what you would look like when you are older.

Additionally, it also has features that allow you to change your appearance in other ways, such as adding a beard or mustache. Oldify is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.

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AgingBooth is another fun app that lets you age your photos. It also uses artificial intelligence algorithms to create a realistic picture of what you will look like when you get older.

AgingBooth also has features that let you change your appearance in other ways, like changing your hair color or adding accessories. AgingBooth is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.

Old Booth

Old Booth is another great option that also allows you to age your photos. It also uses advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to create a realistic picture of what you will look like when you get older.

Additionally, it also has features that allow you to change your appearance in other ways, such as adding hair or glasses. Old Booth is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.

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Aging Camera

Aging Camera is another app for aging your photos. It also uses advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to create a realistic picture of what you will look like when you get older.

Additionally, it also has features that allow you to change your appearance in other ways like adding accessories and changing your hair color. Aging Camera is also available for free on the App Store and Google Play.

See too:

How to use apps to age photos

Using apps to age photos is easy and fun. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Download the app of your choice from the App Store or Google Play.
  2. Open the app and select the photo you want to age.
  3. Choose aging options or other appearance changing options available in the app.
  4. Save the photo or share on social media.

FAQs about photo aging apps

Are photo aging apps accurate?

Yes, that's because aging photo apps use advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to create realistic images of an older person. And although they are not 100% accurate, they can be very close to reality.

Is it safe to use apps to age photos?

Yes, it is safe to use apps to age photos. But, it's important to remember that some apps may request access to personal or location information, so check the app's permissions before using it.

Can I use apps to age photos into other people's photos?

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While you can use apps to age photos into other people's photos, it's important to remember that this can be considered an invasion of privacy. Therefore, it is best to use the apps only on your own photos.

Apps to age photos
Apps to age photos. The 5 best!


These apps are a fun and interesting way to see what you will look like in the future. With a wide range of features available, these apps can be a great way to have fun and share your aged images with friends and family.

Of the most popular apps, FaceApp, Oldify, AgingBooth, Old Booth and Aging Camera are the best and offer incredible features to transform your photos. Download one or more of these apps and have fun aging your photos!

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