Applications for aging photos: Discover the 4 best

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There are many application options to age you in photos, who has never been curious to see themselves in the future? Nowadays this is possible thanks to technology and the advancement of the genius of these companies that create these applications.

Seeing yourself in the future may sound a little “anxious” but it is still a fun curiosity. Some users even report the obvious appearance of older family members, such as father, mother, grandparents. This portrays how accurate these apps are.

We tested some of them and selected the best ones to show you how they work, their features and how to use them. Check out the list of the 5 best apps for aging photos on your cell phone below.


Starting with the most popular, the FaceApp has become a rage on social media with several fun customization options, one of which is the option to age a photo to see in the future.

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To do this, simply select the photo you want to modify, several options will appear in the menu below, just slide the menu to the right and look for the option age. After that you can choose options ranging from children to old women. Don't be scared, old is exactly the name the application provides in the menu.

After applying the filter you will immediately see the result, after that just save and share on your social networks. O application has several features, in addition to all the options for customization, you can also search for photos of famous people to take editions.

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age photo with FaceApp


O Oldify is another fun option to play with Photos. O app gives you the option to select the age you want, you can go from 20 years old to 99 in the blink of an eye. Additionally, it is also possible to include some accessories in photos, like glasses, toys, hats and etc.

In addition to photos, it is also possible to make the same edits to videos. Which makes the app even more fun. You can also modify the audio of the recordings to make the video even funnier. In other words, in addition to aging your appearance in the video, it is also possible to age your voice.

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The application is only available for iOS and it gets paid.


Different from Faceapp It is Oldify, the application AgingBooth The exclusive feature is the aging of photos. To do this, simply select a photo from your gallery, or take a photo with your device's camera and click start for the process to begin.

If you don't like the result, just redo it. To do this, you just need to shake your device to return the photo to its original format.

After completing the process, just save and share with your friends. O Agingbooth It's free and available for Android and IOS.

HourFace: 3D Aging Photo

The Hourface: 3D Aging Photo It's also a great option for aging your photos. The process is as simple as the others, just select a photograph from your gallery and apply the filter. You can also take a photo with your camera, but remember to be well positioned, facing the camera so that the result is perfect.

Furthermore, the app also allows you to save the photo to your gallery or to share directly on your social networks. The application is free and available on both platforms: Android It is iOS.

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