Customize your loading screen with these apps

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The phone loading screen is often overlooked, but it can be a great opportunity to add a personal touch to your device. Instead of seeing the same monotonous screen every time you charge your phone, why not take the opportunity to personalize it?

There are many apps available on the app store that allow you to customize the loading screen in various ways, from displaying useful information to animated images.

These apps offer a wealth of features, from simple background images to interactive widgets that display information such as time, date, notifications, and more.

Additionally, many of these apps also offer advanced customization options such as brightness, contrast, and color adjustments. You can create a unique loading screen that reflects your personality and style.

In this article, we will introduce you to some of the best recommended apps to customize your phone's loading screen. Since applications From simple and easy to use to more advanced options, you'll find an option to suit your needs and tastes.

So let's take a look at the best apps for customizing your loading screen.

AOD (Always On Display)

AOD (Always On Display) is a popular option for customizing your phone's loading screen. This app allows you to customize the loading screen with background images, widgets, and more.

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Additionally, it also provides useful information such as time, date, notifications, and even recent messages. It's easy to use and offers a wide range of customization options.

AOD allows you to adjust the color and brightness of the loading screen, which means you can adjust it to match your background image or to be easier to read in different situations.

Additionally, it also offers widget styling options like clock widgets, calendar, and more.


AcDisplay is another popular option for customizing your phone's loading screen. This app offers an intuitive and easy-to-use interface that allows you to customize the loading screen with background images, widgets, and more.

Additionally, it also provides useful information such as time, date, notifications, and even recent messages.

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AcDisplay allows you to adjust the color and brightness of the loading screen, which means you can adjust it to match your background image or to be easier to read in different situations.

Additionally, it also offers widget styling options like clock widgets, calendar, and more.

Always On AMOLED

Always On AMOLED is an application specifically designed for devices with an AMOLED screen. It allows you to customize the loading screen with background images, widgets, and more. Additionally, it also provides useful information such as time, date, notifications, and recent messages.

With full support for AMOLED screens, it is an excellent choice for those looking to save energy while keeping their screen always active.

With advanced customization options and an intuitive interface, Always On AMOLED is a solid option for anyone looking to personalize their phone's loading screen.

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Glance Plus

Glance Plus is another option for customizing your phone's loading screen. This app allows you to customize the loading screen with background images, widgets, and more.

Additionally, it also provides useful information such as time, date, notifications, and recent messages. With a wide range of customization options, Glance Plus is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a personalized loading screen.

With support for multiple widgets and advanced customization options, Glance Plus is a robust option for those looking to personalize their phone's loading screen.

See too:

Charging Screen

Charging Screen is a simple and easy-to-use app to customize your phone's charging screen. It offers a wide range of background images and widgets to choose from, as well as providing useful information such as time, date, and notifications.

With its intuitive interface, Charging Screen is an easy choice for anyone looking for a custom charging screen solution.

With easy-to-use features and a wide selection of background images, Charging Screen is a simple and efficient option for customizing your phone's charging screen.

Applications to customize your cell phone's loading screen. Image: Google


There are many options available in the market to customize your phone's loading screen. Of the apps mentioned in this article, each one offers unique features and advanced customization options to personalize your device's loading screen.

From AMOLED-specific apps to easy-to-use solutions for all types of devices, there's an option to meet your needs.

Regardless of which option you choose, you can be sure that your loading screen will be much more personalized and attractive.

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