Application to measure Beauty Percentage

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Launched in 2011, the PrettyScale application was launched with the aim of measuring the percentage of beauty just by analyzing your photo and using some standard criteria to obtain such a result. At first, the App was launched as a joke, but in a short time it went viral and caused adverse opinions. When searching the Play Store for the term “Sou Feio”, some feel offended by the result, while others take it in stride.

We decided to test the Application and bring you some results, using photos from some artists, but you can use your own photo and do the test. But first we would like to explain how it all works and show you some test results:

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How does the Application work?

To get started, the user must select their gender and then upload the photo or take a photo from the camera. Then you can start analyzing: align the face with the model and place the markers following the visual instructions of the algorithm.

The developer assures that PrettyScale analyzes the mathematical beauty of the face, which gives priority to proportionality, so it is better to choose a frontal image. In fact, we found a robot that likes the photo on your ID card!

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Natalie Portman

The application calculates some characteristics that are considered fundamental for beauty tests, such as the shape of the face, the size of the forehead, the distance between the eyes, among others, as shown in the image above.

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Angelina Jolie

What did we conclude from testing PrettyScale?

  • It is very sensitive to adjustments and the position of the face in the photo, so sometimes, analyzing different photos of the same person, we receive completely different results;
  • With the same prominent features, the program can show different percentages that show the presence of traps in the algorithm;
  • This robot doesn't like men, but he loves passport photos;
  • In the English version there is a warning that people with poor self-esteem should not use this application, so the best advice is to accept it with humor, although our analysis has never given bad results that could cause great outrage from users.

The application is available on PlayStore

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