Eye exercises – Apps that help improve vision

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In the digital age we live in, we are constantly exposed to computer screens, smartphones and televisions. This often results in eye fatigue, dryness, and in some cases, deterioration of vision.

However, thanks to technology, we also have access to innovative solutions, such as apps that promote eye exercises, with the aim of maintaining eye health.

Such apps, developed by ophthalmology experts, can help alleviate eye strain, improve eye muscle flexibility and even improve visual acuity.

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The best apps for your eyes

That said, let's explore some of the best apps available that can help improve your eye health.

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Eye Care Plus

Firstly, Eye Care Plus is a highly recommended app for eye health. It offers a variety of customizable exercises that work on specific areas, such as improving flexibility, reducing eye strain, and improving overall vision. Additionally, the app also provides daily eye care tips and information on common eye conditions.

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Secondly, Vision is an app specifically designed for people who want to improve their visual acuity. It uses a technique called “perceptual training” that can help improve peripheral vision and reduce sensitivity to glare.


In turn, GlassesOff is an app scientifically designed to help people reduce their dependence on reading glasses. The app uses a series of brain training exercises to improve the efficiency of the part of the brain responsible for vision.


Subsequently, OrasisHD is a useful app for people who have difficulty seeing images clearly on their smartphone. The app automatically corrects images to make them clearer and easier to see, which can be especially useful for people with certain vision problems.

Eye Exercises – Eye Care Plus

Finally, Eye Exercises – Eye Care Plus offers a variety of exercises and tips to maintain eye health and prevent eye fatigue. The app has a user-friendly and easy-to-use interface, making eye exercises a simple and enjoyable task.


In conclusion, eye exercise apps can be an extremely useful tool for improving eye health and vision. It is important to remember that although these apps can be beneficial, they do not replace regular eye doctor visits. Therefore, if you are experiencing vision problems, it is always recommended to see an eye health professional.

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