How to know if I'm pregnant using my cell phone

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Pregnancy is an exciting and challenging time in a woman's life. However, it is not always easy to determine whether you are actually pregnant, especially in the early stages.

Fortunately, technology has advanced to the point where apps have been developed that help detect early signs of pregnancy, enabling you to properly prepare for this incredible journey.

In this article, we'll introduce you to five apps that can help you find out if you're pregnant, how to use them, and what their unique features are.

Apps to find out if you are pregnant

Before we introduce the apps, it is important to point out that no app replaces the accuracy of home pregnancy tests or doctor visits to confirm pregnancy. However, these apps can provide an initial indication, helping you track and understand your menstrual cycle, as well as recognize early symptoms.

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Firstly, Clue is a menstrual tracking app that can also help identify early signs of pregnancy. It allows you to monitor symptoms, mood and activity, giving you a complete overview of your cycle.

If you notice significant changes in your cycle pattern or symptoms, this could be an indication of pregnancy.

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Next, Flo is another popular menstrual tracking app that helps you monitor periods, ovulation, and related symptoms. It uses artificial intelligence to predict your future cycles and also provides information about pregnancy symptoms.

By carefully monitoring changes in your cycle and symptoms, you can identify signs of pregnancy early.

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Ovia Fertility & Cycle Tracker

The Ovia Fertility & Cycle Tracker app is designed to help you understand your fertility and identify possible signs of pregnancy. It allows you to record detailed information about your cycle, symptoms and sexual activities.

Based on this data, the app provides personalized insights and tips to increase your chances of getting pregnant or identify possible signs of pregnancy.


The Glow app is another excellent option for tracking and understanding your fertility. It monitors your menstrual cycle, mood, symptoms and other data related to reproductive health. With its advanced algorithm, Glow can predict fertile periods and provide valuable information about possible signs of pregnancy.


Lastly, the Pregnancy+ app is specifically designed for women who are trying to get pregnant or who are already pregnant. It offers features like a pregnancy calendar, a weight tracking tool, and information about fetal development.

Although it cannot determine whether you are pregnant on its own, it can help you monitor your cycle and provide valuable information if you suspect pregnancy.


In conclusion, the apps featured in this article are useful tools to help you understand your menstrual cycle and identify possible signs of pregnancy early. However, it is crucial to remember that these apps are not a substitute for professional medical advice and pregnancy tests performed at home or in a doctor's office.

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