Simulate wall painting at home by cell phone

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You home murals They are one aspect often questionable. After all, what color transition should choose? Happily, technology comes developing applications that provide practicality and usefulness for this change. See how to simulate a mural with your cell phone.

Apps like Suvinyl, Paint My Wall, ColorSnap Visualizer It is paint tester can simulate painting on the walls of the desired room. Helps you imagine what the results will look like before you venture out to buy paint mural.

Those apps provide users with a range of colors to simulate the environment in which they want to change the appearance. Discover the best app for simulate murals on your House.


the app Sunivil offers the company's entire paint catalog, where you can find around 1,500 different color options to simulate.

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Then you will have many options to convert to your liking. In addition, you can create your own folders within the application, where you can include your favorite colors and save them for quick access.

The Suvinil application allows you to apply colors to the walls included in your photos. So, capture an image of where you want to change the color and select a specific area to do it.

Available to android It is iOS.

ColorSnap preview tool

The ColorSnap Visualizer app is a great choice when it comes to simulating new wall colors. Among them, color recognition function is available, just turn on the camera and point to the wall you want to recognize, and the application can quickly identify the code that best matches the color of the image.

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You can save your favorite color palettes for quick access in case you need to revisit them later to buy your favorite color. In addition, the application allows easy sharing of simulated images via messenger, email or social networks. ColorSnap is free for Android and iOS.

paint tester

The application stands out because its platform is very easy to use and functional. First, take a photo where you want to change the color and apply the color you want to test.

In the Paint Tester app, many color options are inaccessible and, like others mentioned earlier, its platform has a limited and not very wide color palette.

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However, with it you can have a starting point, as the appearance of the room can be checked from a certain tone. It is available for Android and iOS and can be downloaded for free.

paint my wall

The Paint My Wall application features augmented reality to bring differentiation to the user and visualize the colors on the wall in real time. So, just point the camera at the desired wall and wait for the feature to activate.

Once activated, check the available palettes and choose one! Give your walls a new look and the whole room will look new.

change wall color on mobile

The only negative point is the limited number of colors, because to work perfectly, the application requires more processing power. Currently, the app is available for Android and iOS.


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To download the apps, go to play store Or the app store.

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